Friday, May 4, 2012

"Don't Judge Me Because I Sin Differently Than You Do"...


Unkind words and judgments,
Stones thrown by those so proud;
Rarely miss their destination,
Quiet targets in the crowd.
The single woman down the street
Who lets her children be
Unruly and disgraceful imps
Who’re better off unseen;
The family all observe in church
Whose house looks like a dump;
Some assume that is expected
From a woman rather plump;
The man who cannot hold a job
They glare at with disgust
And carelessly they gossip
Sharing feelings of mistrust.
Those who claim to follow Christ
Despite the way they live;
Who err when “no ones watching”
And expect God will forgive.
He that hath no sin among you
Cast a stone, they heard Him say;
And those judging cast their stones
To the ground and walked away.

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